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Stimulus Check Update 2022: Will I Get a Check?

Learn which 19 states are sending—or have already sent—stimulus checks to taxpayers this year.
Published on
December 29, 2022
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During the pandemic, the federal government helped families and family caregivers in several ways, including a stimulus check, additional childcare credits, and extended unemployment benefits. In 2022, the federal government will not send monthly childcare credit payments and has cut most programs explicitly created for the COVID-19 pandemic. However, 19 states will help Americans with continued financial stress with a new stimulus check in 2022. These checks will help offset high inflation, unemployment, healthcare costs, and rising rent.

State stimulus checks help family caregivers

Unlike a refund, a stimulus check is made as a direct payment to Americans whether or not they have a refund, a job, or have taxes owed. The states continuing stimulus programs hope to address the rapid economic changes and severe financial hardships caused by the Covid pandemic. The federal government will not be issuing any COVID-19 pandemic-related checks in 2022.

Nineteen states will offer payments to their residents. These stimulus checks provide monetary assistance to struggling families and can help family caregivers who often have a significant financial burden. The new stimulus check 2022 comes directly from the states, though many states will be using excess funds received due to federal pandemic aid.

Family caregivers will benefit from the added income and can use the funds to pay for the following:

  • Healthcare needs
  • Childcare
  • Transportation and gas
  • Groceries
  • Rent or Mortgage
  • Clothing
  • Medication
  • School Supplies
  • And more

In other words, once an individual receives the stimulus check, they can apply those funds to whatever they need.

Which states are giving out a new stimulus check in 2022?

While the federal government will not give out stimulus checks in 2022, nineteen states will give out stimulus checks. These checks will help the most vulnerable families with food, rent, and medical costs. Some states will give stimulus checks out to middle-income families, as well. Each state has specific requirements based on income, residency, and other factors.

The following states will be distributing stimulus checks this year:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Virginia


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Each state has its eligibility requirements. For example, New York state will automatically send a stimulus check of up to $4,000 to families receiving SNAP, and California has different requirements for its Middle-Class Tax Refund. Because each state has different requirements, Americans need to find out about their state's program.


Alaska's Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) program rose to $3,284 per eligible recipient in 2022. Alaska residents may also qualify for an extra $650 energy relief payment this year.


Most of California's Middle-Class Tax Refund offer a one-time payment of $350 to individual taxpayers who make $75,000 or less. Married filing jointly will receive $700 if they make at most $150,000 annually. Eligible households also get an additional $350 if they have qualifying dependents. Determine if you qualify on the State of California's Franchise Tax Board website.


Colorado is issuing $750 checks ($1,500 for married couples) to almost all taxpayers in the Colorado Cash Back program. 


The 2022 Delaware Relief Rebate Program offers a one-time direct payment of $300 per adult Delaware resident.


Foster parents, adoptive families, and relative and non-relative caregivers of children are eligible for a one-time check of $450 (per child) to offset the burden of inflation through the "Hope Florida — A Pathway to Prosperity" program.


Georgia taxpayers who filed their tax returns in 2020 and 2021 are eligible to receive rebate payments based on their filing status. 


Hawaii's legislature is giving a tax rebate of $100 per person to tax filers who earn more than $100,000 per year and $300 per person to filers who earn less than that.


Idaho is giving payments of $75 per taxpayer and dependent or 12% of line 20 on one's 2022 income tax form, whichever is greater. Learn more on the Idaho State Tax Commission website.


The Illinois Family Relief Plan offers one-time individual income and property tax rebates to taxpayers who meet specific requirements. For those filing individually, the rebate amount is $50. If married filing jointly, the rebate amount is $100 ($50 per person). For dependents, you will receive a rebate of up to $300 ($100 per dependent, with a maximum of three).


Two Automatic Taxpayer Refunds (ATR) were approved in Indiana in 2022. Taxpayers who filed an Indiana resident tax return for the 2020 tax year by December 31, 2021, qualify for a $125 one-time tax refund. Those eligible for the $125 ATR automatically qualify for another $200 ATR. However, you must file your 2022 tax return before January 1, 2024, to claim the credit. Visit the state Department of Revenue website for more information.


Maine offers direct payments of $850 to eligible individuals and $1,700 to joint filers to help taxpayers cover groceries, gas, utilities, or whatever purpose they choose.


Massachusetts is sending tax rebate payments to eligible taxpayers that amount to about 14% of each eligible taxpayer's state income tax liability from their 2021 tax return.


More than one million Frontline Worker Pay applicants in Minnesota were approved to receive a payment of $487.45. Applications for the payment are now closed.

New Jersey

New Jersey sent one-time rebate checks of up to $500 to nearly a million families. Payments were also sent to those who use a taxpayer identification number instead of a Social Security number, though the fund has stopped accepting new applications.

New Mexico

Taxpayers in New Mexico had the opportunity for multiple tax rebates. Low-income residents could apply for relief payments of at least $400; the application deadline was October 7, 2022. Another payment was issued to all taxpayers; individual filers received $500, and joint filers received $1,000.


Oregon sent one-time $600 payments to those who got the earned income tax credit on their 2020 state tax return and resided in the state for the last six months of 2020.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island sends a one-time payment of $250 per child, up to three dependent children (for a maximum of $750). To be eligible for this payment, taxpayers must earn $100,000 or less (or $200,000 or less for a two-income household). Visit Rhode Island's Division of Taxation website to check your rebate status.

South Carolina

Eligible taxpayers in South Carolina could get a tax rebate of up to $800. Visit the state Department of Revenue rebate news website to estimate your rebate.


Virginia gives taxpayers with a liability a rebate of up to $250 for individual filers and up to $500 for joint filers. Visit the state Department of Taxation website to estimate your rebate.

States also have different payment schedules, with some states only sending out one payment and others sending out multiple payments. Family caregivers will receive payments directly to their bank account or via check. Stimulus checks do not need to be paid back. Once you receive your stimulus, you can spend it on what you need.

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Who is eligible for the 2022 stimulus?

For 2022, only residents of the nineteen states giving stimulus checks can receive the funds. Some states have income eligibility or resident requirements. You need to contact your local IRS to see if you will be eligible for the 2022 stimulus. The amount sent to each family will have a maximum amount but will differ based on residency, number of children, income, or other state requirements.

Some states do not require income, and some social security recipients may receive a stimulus. Check with your local IRS to determine if your state will send out stimulus checks this year. You may be eligible if you live in a qualifying state.

How to apply for the 2022 stimulus check?

Family caregivers need to complete their income tax forms for 2022. Since each state has different requirements, be sure to complete the form entirely and accurately. Some states will require specific income requirements or residency requirements to receive a stimulus check. You will have to be a resident of a qualifying state to receive a check. If you qualify, expect a direct deposit or check sent to your mailing address.

Some individuals who do not usually earn income, for example, those on social security, may need to check for any additional application requirements for their state. Some states, like New York, will automatically enroll individuals in social security or SNAP into the stimulus program.

Family caregivers often bear the brunt of financial responsibilities when they care for a loved one. The state stimulus programs will help struggling families support each other and meet needs like medication, groceries, rent, and transportation costs. Because families do not need to repay the stimulus check, they can quickly apply the funds to immediate needs. If you are still determining if you qualify for your state's stimulus program, visit the IRS website.

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