Joe Chappius

Financial Planner

Joe Chappius is a seasoned financial professional and co-founder of UnderPar Planning. With over a decade of experience in the financial services industry, his firm specializes in helping clients align financial resources with life goals and crafting personalized strategies that optimize their financial success. 

Joe has contributed to and, offering his expertise on Medicare, health, life insurance, and tax planning. He brings this depth of insight into his writing, offering authoritative advice grounded in practical experience. He is currently the Head of US Market for, where he continues to share his expertise. 

Education & Qualifications

  • Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) Professional Designation
  • Life and Health Licensed Agent
  • Series 6, 63, and 65 Licenses, FINRA
  • Blockchain and Digital Assets Certificate, DACFP
  • Bachelor of Science, SUNY Brockport, 2012
Written by Joe Chappius
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Reviewed by Joe Chappius
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What Is Power Of Attorney?

Explore the essential roles of POAs, enabling individuals to manage affairs during incapacity with types like general, durable, and medical POAs.
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Section 1557: The ACA's Bold Step Against Healthcare Discrimination

Is healthcare equality still a dream? Learn more about Section 1557 of the ACA to uncover its impact on discrimination and whether it truly guarantees equal access for all.
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What Is A Fiscal Intermediary? 

Learn all about fiscal intermediaries: what they do and how they empower caregivers to provide care for their loved one at home.
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What Are Medicaid Waiver Payments?

Discover the ins and outs of Medicaid Waiver payments, their purpose, eligibility, and taxability in this article.
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Selling Your Parent's Home To Pay For Long-Term Care

A comprehensive guide to selling a home to pay for long-term care, from timing to finding experts, gathering documents, and financial implications.
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How To Get Long-Term Care With No Money

This article explores government programs, non-profits, and alternative options to consider for affordable long-term care.
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Retirement Savings Options for Family Caregivers

Identify the best retirement savings options to secure your financial future while providing care for others in this article.
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Understanding the Basics of Estate Planning

Learn about wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and more to help you make informed decisions and ensure your loved one's assets are protected.
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Budget vs. Forecast: What's the Difference?

Budgeting helps caregivers determine where their money is spent, whereas forecasting measures what money they need in the future.
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